Personally I would like a 5,000 tax cut to get my own health insurance!
There would be no government red tape to worry about!
Why would I want my tax credit to go to my employer?
My employer right now wants it's employees to handle their own health care!
Why do you think they want this to happen?
As companies compeat to get business by having to lower prices but have the burden of providing benefits to it's employees, how do you think the employeer feels?
The employeer can cut it's expesnes and the employee can get better health care by buying it themselves which would also create more jobs in the health insurance industry. However I think the laws need to be passed on the insurance companies in regards to the prices and refusal to pay claims and treatment to the insured.
I haven't been to the doctor in 4 years because I'm a fairly health individual and I don't run to the hospital every time I get a cold. Imagine that if I don't go to the doctor for 4 more years and I get a tax credit or cut of 5,000 a year thta's 20,000 dollars in my pocket.
I have often thought of starting my own insurance company, as I was a licensed life insurance agent in the state of Florida, because I feel I could make alot of money. Maybe if McCains idea of health care would also create more small business dealing in health care which would offer more competition thus lowering the price to the consumer that is getting 5,ooo a year to pay for their health care. A smart person would put that 5,000 into savings and build interst on it in the years they aren't sick to have plenty of money for when they are sick.
Unfortunately right now there is alot of greed out there in the insurance industry and medical fields. Maybe if we had more christians in these 2 areas we would have better treatment, lower prices, and maybe more cures!
I had a chiropractor tell me once that he could not be a regular doctor would you like to know why?
He told me that doctors don't cure the problem they just examine and medicate.
I think these were the words he used " I couldn't be a medical doctor because they don't cure anything!
Cancer would be a good example!
A few years ago people didn't know there was a cure for cancer, but there is!
So why aren't more people beating cancer like, his name I can't remember but he was a bicyclist that won the Tour De France. My mom died of cancer a few years ago and why is that? Didn't she have enough money to pay the high price doctor to cure her? Or was it she was limited treatment because of the insurance company? Would you like the governement to manage your cancer and treatment? If so don't vote for John McCain because I believe he is trying to do what's right for America when it comes to our health! Let's also hope if you don't vote for McCain that in 2 years we can still get health care and that it is held up in the house of representatives or congress awaiting a vote only to be vetoed by the president you voted for! While were at it let's also pray our taxes don't go up to pay for government health care and another big bailout!
Diabetes is mainly a result of diet and excercise, so if we are eating better what's the problem?
Is it we aren't getting of the couch enough, or are we on the phone when we could be walking of that big meal we just ate.
I don't know anywhere in the bible it says we should trust any government to look after our health care! Maybe if we have a better relationship with the Lord our God we would be healthier wiser and even richer. I'm pretty sure it talks about the richess we could have in proverbs!
There is a neat website called that you can type in richess and it will show you what chapter and verse it mentions richess! If you can't find it watch for my next blog and you'll see!
Love thy neighbor!
Make wise choices and as always in God we Trust