Friday, October 10, 2008

breaking news from the McCain camp

FYI! ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: McCain-Palin Team Date: Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 6:33 PMSubject: New video - ACORNTo: Dear Supporter, Our campaign just released a new web video detailing the ties between Senator Barack Obama and ACORN, the organization currently under investigation for massive voter fraud in a number of battleground states. Please follow this link to watch "ACORN." As a result of Senator Obama's blind ambition, he has a long history with the group. Barack Obama trained members of the Chicago ACORN staff, and his campaign has paid more than $800,000 for "voter registration" to an ACORN front group. We're asking you to take a few minutes this evening to watch the ad and learn more about the relationship between Senator Barack Obama and ACORN. After watching the video, please forward along to at least five others. It's up to us to hold Senator Obama accountable for his questionable judgment and blind ambition. Thank you,The McCain-Palin 2008 Team

1 comment:

Marie Chasteen said...

I agree 100% about ACORN. I do think that this election is very important to our country. I think that Senator Obama is going to try and start getting Socialized medicine in our country as well. I know that medicine is not perfect, but I think if Socialized medicine takes then our free government will collapse. I know our medical system needs help, and Americans like Lisa are hurting really bad. I care about people as much as you do, and feel for people. I do not give my credit card information out over the internet, but if you will send and envelope, I will be glad to donate some money to help her. Thank you for caring for her. God Bless you! My address is: Marie Chasteen, 140 Willow Run, Athens, Ga. 30606. I will not be able to give much, because I am living off equity in my home right now. I do not have a job. Pray for me, that I will get a job. I have a lot of debt, and need to work and pay it off. Love in Christ Marie Chasteen